Mervin Johnsingh
Currently driving the end to end design experience for Azure Machine learning at Microsoft
Over the last 10+ years, I have designed softwares, websites and mobile apps for Fortune 500 companies, startups, Non-profits and everything else in between. I have also lead teams with sizes ranging from 2 people to 6 people driving the end to end design and implementation process across different timezones.

Featured project
Senior designer at Microsoft’s Azure Machine platform
2019- to date
Over the last 3+ years, I have driven the end to end design experience for multiple features in Microsoft’s Azure Machine learning platform while also establishing design consistency standards and helping the product team incorporate design into their development process.
I also doubled up as the accessibility lead for the larger product team from time to time.

Side project
App design for Microsoft’s Seeing AI app
2021- To date
To further build my experience in Accessibility, I volunteered to work with the Seeing AI product team to define the design experience for the seeing AI app developed by Microsoft. This is an ongoing project where I help with design input on a bi-weekly basis or as time permits.